วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

There are a lot of people around the world staying in different places, different times and different cultures. But TODAY they are praying together for the same purpose
'To be happy in next year !'

Let's watch this VDO, and you will see what I mean.
(Credit: www.youtube.com)

'Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday'
I really love this song. so I tried to collect some clips about christmas and I chose 24 of them to patch it in this VDO .. Thanks to YOUTUBE which helped me find all of them. it's not good enough but I think it's OK to be a ' 3-hours-work '.

Isn't it make you smile :)?

Actually, I have to say SORRY for my late posting, but (by the truth) I'm really busy this mouth, not except while I'm making this VDO. so I had no time to resize some clips in the VDO (maybe I'm so lazy that I don't mind about it)


I really like this clip too. I found it in YOUTUBE (again) let's see !
(Credit: www.youtube.com)

MERRY CHRISTMAS Happy Holiday and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 !!!!!!!!!!!!

วันพุธที่ 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The difference between Film and Movie

I think those two words are the same! I spent my free time making a film and definitely love watching the movies. So why can't I combine both two words together?!

,, But actually I know that there are some different part between them.

When I typed 'Movie' in Google,the first image having been shown in the page is something like this

On the other hand, when I typed 'Film' in the blank, I got this ,,

,, There are a lots of pictures presenting about the process of film,
so I wonder 'Is it the complicate process that made film different from movie?'

Then I searched it again. I've found that many webbords are talking about it (I saw some text show that ther're different from each other by the quality of staff, food or drink options and price of tickets ,, so we won't talk about it = =)

This is what I got frome http://www.answerbag.com

"This is a difference between a movie and a film. Although there are many differences between the two if you just look at the basic definitions, the biggest differences between the two can be summed up as a movie can be of lesser quality, can be home-made, can sometimes be shorter than a film, can be digitally made now-a-days, and it is not something necessarily made for being presented in a theater.

A film on the other hand is something that has typically been made because it is going to be shown in a theater with the intent that someone will pay to go see it. It has also been named as such given that they have historically been made using something called "photographic film" or "filmstock". The shift from "film" to "movie" might be attributed to the shift in format used to make a movie. Lastly, a feature film is something that is over 90 minutes in length. A movie has no time requirements as does a feature film."

However, the argumentation about the difference between film and movie still have been shown in many website

so if you have any idea about it, text me some information plzz.

Because a few informations here may help somebody do a big project.